Katja Uhlemann und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Katja Uhlemann)
(1 - 6 von 12

German Store Changes Name After Anti-Nazi ProtestsGo.com

— "Such a thing is shocking and completely unacceptable," Katja Uhlemann, a spokeswoman for the city of Chemnitz, told German media. › story

Furore over German 'Brevik' clothing shop in ChemnitzBBC

— Katja Uhlemann, quoted by the German newspaper Die Welt, said the Chemnitz authorities "will plan every further step necessary to shut down ... › news › w...

Guardian: Anger after German shop allegedly namechecks ...The Guardian

— Katja Uhlemann, a spokeswoman for Chemnitz council, told Die Welt: "We've already been in touch with the landlord and will take every other ... › mar

Guardian: Anger after German shop allegedly namechecks Norwegian mass …er...

Clothing firm Thor Steinar says its shop Brevik is named after a town near Oslo not Anders Behring Breivik