Katrina Stuck und Orleans Person-Info 

( Ich bin Katrina Stuck)
(1 - 30 von 38

Judge raps Corps of Engineers but throws out Katrina lawsuit - CNN.com

A federal judge has thrown out a class action lawsuit against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers over the failure of levees in New Orleans during Hurricane...

New Orleans files $77 billion claim against Corps - CNN.com

The city of New Orleans filed a $77 billion damage claim against the Army Corps of Engineers Thursday for flooding that inundated the city when levees failed...

Jury selection begins in trial of ex-New Orleans mayor

Nagin, a Democrat who was mayor when Hurricane Katrina stuck the Crescent City in 2005, served two terms before leaving office in

Bribery trial opens for ex-New Orleans mayor | Fox News

Nagin, a Democrat who was mayor when Hurricane Katrina stuck in 2005, served two terms before leaving office in He was living in a ...
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