Katy Cropper Person-Info 

( Ich bin Katy Cropper)


(1 - 4 von 12

Fast and furious scurry driving at Surrey County Show - Surrey Live

Fast-paced equestrian racing will be among the highlights at Stoke Park in Guildford this year

One Man and His Dog winner Katy comes a cropper at trials |...

Everyone has what might be termed a

Guardian: One woman and her dog: A sheepdog handling course in Cumbria – video...

Katy Cropper was the first woman ever to win TV's One Man and His Dog sheepdog trials. Marcel Theroux meets her in Cumbria to try his hand as a shepherd

Katy Cropper

... travelled 240 miles to return home. 26 Apr 2016, 7:13pm. Comment: As the story of Pero shows, you can't beat a sheepdog. Katy Cropper. << Prev; 1; Next >> ...
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