Kaylin Kelly Person-Info 

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Broncos bounce Bears, Mandarin wins in nine

For the Titans (16-12), Kaylin Kelly had forced extra innings with a game-tying single in the seventh. The Mustangs will next travel to Spruce Creek, ... › high-school ›

Estero, Cypress Lake, Canterbury, Bishop Verot, Riverdale lead...

Cypress Lake: Danielle Gorddard, Sage Williamson. Fort Myers: Kaylin Kelly, Bridget Parsons. Estero: Gracie Corey. Riverdale: Cari Coffey ...

It's official! First freeze chills North Texas on Halloween

“Seeing their faces light up is what makes it all worth it — even in the cold,” said Kaylin Kelly, a Plano Senior High teacher. Duplicate ad ...

Bee Fest is buzzing - AP Newsapnews.com › ...

He pulled out his flashlight to help direct the eyes of 9-year-old Kaylin Kelly to where the queen bee was. The name for Duncan's honey is ...
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