Kevin Hellmich und Resort Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kevin Hellmich)
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Alabama's Grand Hotel reassures guests after renovations
— While Jack Purser thought the beds looked “institutional,” Kevin Hellmich, the resort's director of sales and marketing, said other guests ... › entertainm...

Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa
Mr. Kevin Hellmich. Director of Sales and Marketing · Phone: (251) · P.O. Box 639 Point Clear Alabama › list

Hurricane Nate washes away Grand Hotel pier -
After closing Saturday in advance of the storm, the resort reopened Monday afternoon.

PCH Hotels & Resorts | (251) | Fairhope, Alabama
They include: Kevin Hellmich, Carla Holk, Scott Watts, Debbi Moore, Jenika Schmidt, Keith Schmitt, Sean Miller, Knud Svendsen & Bill Lang. › business