Kevin Kwasny Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kevin Kwasny)


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University football player sues over injury - Winnipeg | › news › university-football-player-su...
· Kevin Kwasny, who is now 23, was taken to hospital during halftime in a Canadian Interuniversity Sport football game between the Bishop's ...

Disabled football player suing Bishop's University for $7.5 million |...
· Kevin Kwasny says he suffered permanent brain damage after being forced to return to the field despite concussion symptoms on September 11, ...

Disabled Winnipeg football player reaches settlement with Bishop's › news-pmn › canada-news-pmn
· Kevin Kwasny of Winnipeg was seeking $13.7 million in damages from Bishop's in a lawsuit that was to go to trial Thursday in Montreal.

Entente à l'amiable entre Kevin Kwasny et Bishop's |
Une entente à l'amiable est intervenue entre l'ancien joueur des Gaiters Kevin Kwasny, gravement blessé au cours d'un match en 2011, et l'Université Bishop's.
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Person "Kwasny" (3)
Vorname "Kevin" (32787)
Name "Kwasny" (268)
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