Kevin Spence Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kevin Spence)


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Tot attack rottweiler 'must die'
[Romford Recorder] - Recorder Mary Stacey made the destruction order on Monday after Graham Mills, 45, admitted being in control of the anial - named Rocky - when it attacked.

Google News: Eco Exteriors to open Rehoboth office

[Cape Gazette] - “One of our standards is a dedication to huge integrity,” said Brand, who said they use top-of-the-line products, such as Gorell windows and Prodigy siding.

Google News: Broadkill residents hear from lawmakers at meeting

[Cape Gazette] - Broadkill Beach resident Richard Wheeler sent an email to Deaver in May about unwanted landscape-service advertising that he said littered the yards of many

Google News: A second Democrat considers House race

[Cape Gazette] - By Kevin Spence Frank Shade, president of Punkin Chunkin for seven years, said he would consider entering the race for the 37th Representative District
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