Kevin Tonn und Galt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kevin Tonn)
(1 - 30 von 83

Suspect in Galt officer shooting is identifiedABC10
— GALT - The man suspected of shooting and killing Galt police Officer Kevin Tonn before turning the gun on himself Tuesday was identified by ...

UPDATE: Suspect Identified In Galt Officer's Fatal ShootingCBS News
— Officer Kevin Tonn was called out to an apartment where a man had ... Officer Kevin Tonn and K9 Yaro (source: Facebook).

Details released on Vallejo cop who shot at fleeing suspect
... cousin, also a Galt policeman named Kevin Tonn, was gunned down by a burglary suspect. The gunman … himself after shooting Tonn.

Hearts broken in GaltStockton Record
— Flags in Galt flew at half-staff and residents held a tearful candlelight vigil as the close-knit community mourned the loss of Kevin Tonn, ...