Khalid Al-Obaidly Person-Info 

( Ich bin Khalid Al-Obaidly)


(1 - 4 von 40
) Alles untersucht, nichts geklärt, niemand verantwortlich – Mission...

Der FBI-Untersuchungsbericht über die Fahndungspannen des

Khalid al-Fawwaz guilty of US embassy bombings - BBC News
A former aide of Osama Bin Laden has been found guilty of plotting the al-Qaeda bombing of US embassies in east Africa in 1998, killing 224 people.

Sudan interview: Khalid Al Mubarak and Rosalind Marsden – Channel 4...
Earlier I spoke with Khalid Al Mubarak, who is the press attache to the Embassy of Sudan in London, and Dame Rosalind Marsden who was the British Ambassador to...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Khalid Al-Obaidly
Vorname "Khalid" (2200)
Name "al-Obaidly" (2)
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