Khalid Zerouali und Border Surveillance Person-Info 

( Ich bin Khalid Zerouali)
(1 - 25 von 42

EU leaders reach deal on refugee crisis
· Morocco's director of migration and border surveillance, Khalid Zerouali, told the Associated Press that the kingdom isn't interested in ...

Morocco says it prevented attempts at irregular ...
— Morocco spends more than it receives,” said Khalid Zerouali, director of the Moroccan migration and border surveillance services, ... › morocc...

How Spain looked on as dozens were crushed to death at ...BBC
... and Border Surveillance in Morocco's Interior Ministry, Khalid Zerouali, did speak to Spanish media, and defended the actions of Moroccan officers.

Morocco probes use of speedboats by people smugglers
— Khalid Zerouali, head of immigration and border surveillance at the interior ministry, told AFP that authorities were investigating an ... › moro...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Khalid Zerouali
Person "Zerouali" (1)
Vorname "Khalid" (2200)
Name "Zerouali" (37)