Khalil Maatouk Person-Info 

( Ich bin Khalil Maatouk)


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Signs of Chaos in Syria's Intense Crackdown
— “The numbers are in the thousands,” said Khalil Maatouk, a Damascus lawyer who works with prisoners and detainees. “Those who were released — “This decision won't do anything to alleviate the pressure from the street,” said Khalil Maatouk, a lawyer and activist in Damascus. › story › news › › story › news ›

Health of detained Syrian activist deteriorating -
Activists say the health of a prominent Syrian rights lawyer believed to be in government custody for more than eight months is deteriorating and has called...

Syrie : une église de Damas ciblée par un attentat | Syrie :...
Un kamikaze s'est donné la mort jeudi près d'une église de Damas. L'incident a fait quatre morts, selon ce que rapporte la télévision publique syrienne.

Syria arrests opponents - Al › articles ›
· ... Freedoms and Human Rights in Syria, was arrested at his home in the northwestern city of Banias, lawyer Khalil Maatouk told AFP.
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