Kihong Bae Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kihong Bae)


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"Der asiatische Markt befindet sich noch in der Wachstumsphase" -...
In einem Interview mit Kihong Bae, dem USA Geschäftsführer der Musikcommunity MusicShake erwähnte dieser, dass bei der Lokalisierung ...

FDA approves hearing aid with new technology | David H. Kirkwood |...
The FDA approved a new hearing aid, the the TSC-i48, but the company that developed it can't yet promote its purported ability to reverse hearing loss.

Meet Korea's billion-dollar startups | VentureBeat
Guest The South Korean tech ecosystem has passed the tipping point, and we’ll see even more “unicorns” coming out of Korea over the next five years.

Phone app said to restore hearing | David H. Kirkwood › new-ph...
In an interview with Hearing News Watch, Kihong Bae, the 37-year-old CEO of The Good Ear Company, discussed the theory behind Threshold ...
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Vorname "Kihong" (2)
Name "Bae" (244)
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