Kiki A. Taufik Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kiki A. Taufik)


(1 - 4 von 37

Greenpeace-Kriitk: Viele Produkte kennzeichnen Palmöl nicht - Blick
Jakarta – Die Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace hat zahlreichen internationalen Konzernen vorgeworfen, Angaben zur Herkunft des von ihnen verwendeten Palmöls...

Singapur se ahoga por la quema ilegal de terrenos para cultivo en...
La isla lleva una semana sumida en el caos por la nube de humo generada en los países vecinos

Indonesia faces environmental time bomb after coal bust | Reuters
Thousands of mines are closing in Indonesia’s tropical coal belt as prices languish and seams run dry. But almost none of the companies have paid their share...

Guardian: Greenpeace halts campaign against palm oil trader that has 'come a...

Malaysia-based IOI Group announces further moves to address deforestation and exploitation in its supply chain
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Vorname "Kiki" (1147)
Name "Taufik" (262)
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