Kim Förster und Lecturer Person-Info 

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Urban Talk #25 Kim Foerster / Monika Motylinska - Habitat Unit
Dr. Kim Förster is Lecturer in Architectural Studies at The University of Manchester and member of the Manchester Architecture Research Group (MARG). In his work Förster focusses on social, cultural, political, and economic issues in relation to architecture, a critical perspective on architectural institutions, cultural production, and alternative pedagogy since the 1960s.

Kim Förster: Uncementing Modernity: From the Kiln to the Quarry › events › kim-forster-uncem...
· ... Kim Förster is an architectural historian, author, and teacher, and since lecturer in architectural studies at the University of ...

Watch Diana Agrest's 'The Making of an Avant-Garde' - News ...
— Kim Förster is lecturer in architectural studies at the University of Manchester, and author of the forthcoming The Institute for Architecture ... › news › watch-...