Kim Hee Jong Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kim Hee Jong)


(1 - 4 von 291
) Kim Jong-un testet die Reaktionen | Telepolis

Und Iran schaut zu, welche Antworten der internationalen Gemeinschaft auf den Atomtest Nordkoreas einfallen

Blog: Kim Jong-un. ǀ Nordkorea: Götter haben keinen eigenen Willen —...
Dass Kim Jong-un faktisch der oberste Führer Nordkoreas ist, sei eine kaum begründete Annahme, so der finnische Politikwissenschaftler Korhonen Pekka.

What's Kim Jong Un's intention with the nuclear test? - CNN
It was what Kim Jong Un, the nation's young leader, wanted blast, it would have appeared that he had succumbed to pressure from the ... just days short of the 71st birthday of Kim's late father, Kim Jong Il, on February 16.

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe seeks talks with Kim Jong-un to end abduction...
Japan’s prime minister is seeking a meeting with Kim Jong-un, in a striking reversal of his government’s uncompromising policy towards North Korea. Shinzo Abe...
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