Kim Schuurman Hess Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kim Schuurman Hess)


(1 - 4 von 6

Dignity Versus Waste at the Food Bank | The Tyee
The choice between preventing food waste and dignified access to food means groceries received at the food bank are often past their before date.

Vancouver food bank potentially risked clients' health through lax...
· Vancouver food bank CEO Aart Schuurman Hess said he was never told in writing about any potential health risks related to the Pure North ...

Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society - Aart Schuurman Hess | Rotary...
Find out location, our executive and our speakers on our webpage.

Enhanced Skater Profile | Jan Schuurman-Hess | Men | Netherlands |...
Total 1 competitions over the Allround distance. Time / Points, Rank, Competition, Date, Location , 34, Clubkampioenschap SVR, Gouwestreek, Rijnstreek ...
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