Klaus Karl Heinz Kischel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Klaus Karl Heinz Kischel)


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Art exhibition in Carp

Thanksgiving is always a wonderful time of year with the trees usually a blaze of colour as Mother Nature paints us stunning views of the landscape.

Carp Ridge artist featured in Kanata Civic Art Gallery exhibit

Carp Ridge artist featured in Kanata Civic Art Gallery exhibit

Expressions of Art - Ottawa Family Living Magazine

... Catherine Gutsche | Janice Johnston | Jennifer Kelly | Karl Kischel | Simon Koo | Olaf Krassnitsky | Lee Anne La Forge | Heather Lovat-Fraser ...

Here comes the Red Trillium Studio Tour in West Carleton

Red Trillium Studio Tour time is coming up! This semi-annual event has been running in west Carleton for over 18 years and the fall tour happens...
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