Klaus Lüttgen und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Klaus Lüttgen)
(1 - 4 von 4

A tour with a twist – German cyclist bikes through Vanderhoof on his...

A german cyclist stopped by in Vanderhoof at the beginning of July, as part of a slightly different bike tour from B.C. to Alaska.

German traveler biking 1,000 miles on West Coast | Peninsula Daily...

In honor of his father’s memory, Klaus Luttgen of Germany is riding his bike from Vancouver, B.C., to San Francisco this month, handing out medals to...

Medals for helpful British Columbians – Burns Lake Lakes District News

German cyclist Klaus Lüttgen, on a mission.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Klaus Lüttgen
Vorname "Klaus" (65148)
Name "Lüttgen" (246)