Klaus Schmierer und Neurology Person-Info 

( Ich bin Klaus Schmierer)
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Internationaler Multiple-Sklerose-Forschungspreis – verliehen durch die Langheinrich-Stiftung Multiple-Sklerose-Forschung der Freien Universität Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Dotation: Euro, an Dr. med. Klaus Schmierer, Institute of Neurology des University College London, ...

Guardian: MS treatments: life-changing, but hard to access | Healthcare ...

Dr Klaus Schmierer, reader in clinical neurology at Queen Mary University of London and consultant neurologist at Barts Health NHS Trust, ...

#ThinkHand campaign aims to change MS perceptions

Dr Klaus Schmierer, reader in neurology at Barts, is to apply for funding for a randomised trial of subcutaneous cladribine – the ingredient in ...

Disease modification in multiple sclerosis has just become simpler |...

Date: Thursday 21st September at 1:00pm. Speaker: Dr Klaus Schmierer, Reader in Clinical Neurology & Consultant Neurologist, The ...