Klaus Spiess und Vienna Person-Info 

( Ich bin Klaus Spiess)
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Konferenz "Body and Art - the Image of Hysteria in the 21st Century"...

Sigmund Freud Museum Wien, Im Rahmen der Vienna Art Week beschäftigt sich die Konferenz BODY AND ART - THE IMAGE OF HYSTERIA IN THE 21st CENTURY mi…

Klaus Spiess & Lucie StreckerHKW

Klaus Spiess is Associate Professor and runs the cross-disciplinary Arts and Science program and the LASER talks at the Medical University Vienna.

Guest Talk - Klaus Spiess (Medical University Vienna) - dieAngewandte

On December 10, the Department of Media Theory will host the talk “Mouth Microbes as Good Hosts: Entangled Speech” by Klaus Spiess, an artist and...

Viral Speech - Klaus Spiess, Lucie Streckerevents.at

Viral Speech - Klaus Spiess, Lucie Strecker. https://www.viennaartweek.at Anmeldung erbeten: .at.