Klaus Stroink und Guillem Person-Info 

( Ich bin Klaus Stroink)
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Taz: Die Band Stay Homas aus Barcelona: Alles wird kommen - TAZ

— Es entstand in der Wohngemeinschaft der drei Musiker Klaus Stroink, Guillem Boltó, Rai Benet in Barcelona, die sich aus Studienzeiten an den ... › Kultur › Musik

«Con el público, lleva la mascarilla que lleva, siempre hay ...

— Guillem Boltó, Rai Benet y Klaus Stroink unieron su talento musical durante el confinamiento y crearon en el piso que compartían 'Stay ... › almeria › pu...

Beautiful Quarantine Songs On A Barcelona Rooftop

Catalan musicians Rai Benet, Klaus Stroink and Guillem Bolt took a trumpet, trombone and guitar upstairs and did just that. They had no idea posting a song ...

Articles tagged with: Apolo - Catalan Newswww.catalannews.com › news › tag › Apolo

Roommates Klaus Stroink, Guillem Boltó and Rai Benet release "confination"-related songs every few days. Culture. 01 February :40 AM.