Klaus Werner und Iohannis Person-Info 

( Ich bin Klaus Werner)
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Medientermin : Oberbürgermeister Dr. Stephan ...Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf

Oberbürgermeister Dr. Stephan Keller begrüßt Klaus Werner Iohannis, Staatspräsident Rumäniens, am Samstag, 3. Juni, im Düsseldorfer Rathaus.

Annual Meeting of HE President Klaus Werner Iohannis with ...Sovereign Order of Malta

On the 12th of January, took place the Annual meeting of HE President Klaus Werner Iohannis with the Diplomatic Corp. In that context we had a chance to ...

Klaus Werner Iohannis: "Euro-phobia is not just against the ...Council of Europe

— Klaus Werner Iohannis: “One of the main challenges we all face in Europe is, unfortunately, the rise of populism, radicalism, xenophobia and ...