Klaus-Jochem Kecker Person-Info 

( Ich bin Klaus-Jochem Kecker)


Publikation | University of Tübingen

(Herausgeber: Klaus Antoni, Viktoria Eschbach-Szabo, Robert Horres, Achim ... An Empirical Investigation Hanns G. Hilpert and Klaus-Jochem Kecker 5. Bị thiếu: Canada" ‎| Phải bao gồm: Canada"

To Cooperate or Not to Cooperate - Japan's Potential for Regional...

23. Jan · Klaus-Jochem Kecker is a PhD candidate in economics at the University of Bochum in Germany, and currently doing research for his dissertation and the DIJ. His research interests are regional integration, international trade and international macroeconomics.

Asian-European Relations - Login to the TYPO3 Backend ...

Hanns G. Hilpert and Klaus-Jochem Kecker 5. The Asia-Europe. Meeting (ASEM) and its Contribution to the Political Management of Globalisation Howard ...

DIJ Business & Economics Study Group Archives - Seite 2 von

To Cooperate or Not to Cooperate - Japan's Potential for Regional Economic Integration. Klaus-Jochem Kecker, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien ... Mark Manger, University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada Februar Japanese Electronics Companies on the Edge. An Analysis of Corporate Data and ...
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