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Ingrid Fortenbacher
Aldo Longo, Calgary, Alberta longo_aldo@hotmail.com. Lived in KL and a KLCVI grad back in 69. I'm trying to locate an old friend from that time period. ...
Bruno Mandl
KLCVI : Kirkland Lake Collegiate and Vocational Institute, 1973 Yearbook: Names: Lonnie Larivee; Debbie O'Grady; Radmilla Malkovich; Micheal Kemp; Micheal Osuch; …
Michael Gryska
KLCVI : Kirkland Lake Collegiate and Vocational Institute, 1973 Yearbook: Names: Anderson, Carmen; Bortot, Peter; Bustraen, Randy; Carpentier, Cathy; Cecol, …
Matti Reimer
KLCVI : Kirkland Lake Collegiate and Vocational Institute, 1964: Names Mentioned: Matti Reimer; Keith Hamilton; Andy Lawless; Jim O'Grady; Dave Hurd; Fedor …
Claudette Caty
KLCVI : Kirkland Lake Collegiate and Vocational Institute, 1955: Names are: Brian Anderson; Cass Atkinson; Peter Burns; Claudette Caty; Grestove Celotti; Pat …
Claudia Krawchuk
KLCVI : Kirkland Lake Collegiate and Vocational Institute, 1964: Names: Ernie Dottori; Donald Evans; Keith Hamilton; Craig Jessop; Alan Keene; Robert E. Koury; …