Knut-Michael Wolf Person-Info 

( Ich bin Knut-Michael Wolf)


(1 - 4 von 6
) Krise im Karton - DER SPIEGEL

Umweltschutz im Wohnzimmer - die Spiele-Erfinder fanden ein neues Sujet. *

Brettspielbox-News : Neuheiten |
Brettspielbox-News mit Neuheiten 2015, Abschied von KMW, Crowdfunding Update

International Gamers Award Game of the Year Nominees Announced -...
The IGA International Gamers Award Game of the Year nominees have been announced.

Acquire – Europäische Spielesammler Gilde
According to Knut Michael Wolf (spielbox) the idea for Acquire 97′ came from Roland Seigers, a belgian game inventor working for Schmidt. He contacted Sid Sackson for permission on this variant and supposingly gotten approval on it. Since for each card/tile you have more than one possible locations on the gameboard, this is supposed to reduce the luck factor for the game and make it more ...
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