Kobe Beef und Steak Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kobe Beef)
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Japan's Kobe restaurant forays into Bangladesh | The Daily Star

Japanese company Shishikura Ltd is set to open a restaurant in Dhaka with its speciality, Kobe beef, on December 15, a top official said. Called Kobe Steak and...

NZZ: Restaurant Usagiyama, Widen: Wie Butter auf der Zunge | NZZ

Das erste japanische Steakhaus der Region steht auf dem Hasenberg in Bergdietikon. Dort gibt es echtes Kobe Beef.

Guardian: Sacred cow | Food | The Guardian

You can buy a $41 burger in New York these days, at the Old Homestead Steakhouse on Ninth Avenue. The owner, Greg Sherry, calls it the Kobe-burger, because...

The $270 six-ounce steak: Real Kobe beef finally hits Houston,...

Remember the big debate sparked by Forbes writer Larry Olmsted back in April about Kobe beef, which he called Faux-be beef because no matter what you where p
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