Konrad Gürtler Person-Info 

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A spatial perspective on just transitions between global ...European Consortium for Political Research

Konrad Gürtler. Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) - Helmholtz Center Potsdam (GFZ). Workshop Changing societies meet political inertia: common ...

Höfe voller MusikESG Berlin

— Uhr: Ol' Konviktband: Konrad Gürtler (Piano), Johannes Sutter (Bass), Stefan Kleipstein (Schlagzeug), Christoph Borner (Saxofon) – ...

Konferenzen und Tagungen - ArchivDeutsche Gesellschaft e.V.

— Workshop mit Konrad Gürtler und Victoria Luh Workshop mit Konrad Gürtler und Victoria Luh; Click to enlarge image 6_marr_DSC jpg ...

Legitimation strategies for coal exits in Germany and CanadaPhys.org

— More information: Konrad Gürtler et al, Scaling just transitions: Legitimation strategies in coal phase-out commissions in Canada and ...
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