Kufre Friday Akpan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kufre Friday Akpan)


(1 - 4 von 13

Spiegel.de: Shell Mostly Cleared By Dutch Court in Nigeria Oil Spills - DER...

A closely watched environmental lawsuit against oil giant Shell has ended in mixed results. A court in The Hague cleared the company of wrongdoing in oil...

Dutch court says Shell responsible for Nigeria spills | Reuters

A Dutch court ruled on Wednesday that Royal Dutch Shell's Nigerian subsidiary was responsible for a case of oil pollution in the Niger Delta and ordered it to...

Guardian: Shell acquitted of Nigeria pollution charges | Oil spills | The...

The case involved five allegations of oil spills in Nigeria, four of which were quashed by the court
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Kufre Friday Akpan
Vorname "Friday" (49)
Name "Akpan" (272)
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