Kurt Kohn und University Of Tübingen Person-Info 

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FIT Portfolio

Forschungs-Information Tübingen (FIT) The research database of the University of Tübingen: projects, portfolios, cooperations

Asia TEFL: Asia TEFL 2019: ELT for Glocal Synergies across...

Speaker: Budsaba Kanoksilpatham (Silpakorn University), Andy Kirkpatrick ( Griffith University), Kurt Kohn (University of Tuebingen), Alastair Pennycook ...

Publications - Kurt Kohn | University of Tübingen

Publications - Kurt Kohn. Kurt Kohn. (since 1990; also see downloads on ResearchGate.net) MY English - a social constructivist perspective on ELF".

Prof. Dr. Kurt Kohn, Emeritus | University of Tübingen

kurt.kohn[at]uni-tuebingen.de. Informed by a social constructivist perspective, my research interests focus on intercultural telecollaboration, English as a lingua ...