Kurt Warncke Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kurt Warncke)


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Researchers link metal ions to neurodegenerat | EurekAlert!

Researchers have defined for the first time how metal ions bind to amyloid fibrils in the brain in a way that appears toxic to neurons. Amyloid fibrils are...

News: 38th SEMRC, Nashville, TN | Wilmad-LabGlass

Wilmad-LabGlass is a leading manufacturer of NMR and EPR sample tubes and accessories, a diverse line of Laboratory Glassware and Scientific Equipment, as well...

Targeting old bottleneck reveals new anticancer drug strategywww.eurekalert.org › pub_releases › ehs-tob

· Co-authors include Emory biophysicist Kurt Warncke, PhD, and at Winship, David Yu, MD, PhD, Haian Fu, PhD, Suresh Ramalingam, MD and Walter ...

Fotoband "Bühne West-Berlin" mit Bildern von Harry Croner

Kurt Warncke gewann damals im Tagesspiegel-Flitzer den Deutschen Meistertitel. Repro: Tsp. In der Drakestraße in Lichterfelde-West hatte Harry Croner ein Atelier.
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