Laila Adam Person-Info 

( Ich bin Laila Adam)


Lives Lived: Munsamy Shunnumugam (M.S.) Naidoo, The Globe and...
Educator, mentor, innovative leader, grandfather. Born on June 22, 1937, in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa; died on Jan. 10, 2014, in Yellowknife, of...

Sports Swap's closing already impacting kid's charity | CTV News
Kidsport provides free sports equipment for low income families is losing its biggest supporter now that Sports Swap stores are closing.

Charme-Offensive und Peitschenhiebe im Sudan | Livenet - Das...
Laila Adam Siraj (20) Kaltoum Isam Adam (22) Rawda Abdelgabar Mohamed (20) Zahra Hassan Ali (21) Gadah Abdelgabar ...
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Person "Adam" (25)
Vorname "Laila" (1777)
Name "Adam" (4373)
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