Lake House Person-Info 

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(1 - 4 von 19
) The Lake House (Blu-ray) (UK) ab € 6,78 (2019) | heise online...

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The Lake House café in Ash has incredible views yet not ...
The beautiful hidden café is located off the beaten track, down a bumpy road and is known mainly by fisherman.

The Lake House: Trailer zum Drama mit Keanu Reeves und Sandra Bullock...
Aktuelle Filmnews, The Lake House: Trailer zum Drama mit Keanu Reeves und Sandra Bullock, Zwei Liebende leben zwei Jahre voneinander entfernt

Guardian: My guilty pleasure: The Lake House | Film | The › film › apr

My guilty pleasure: The Lake House. Can two people fall in love in the same place, two years apart? Of course they can, through the magic of ...
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