Laura El-Khatib und Egypt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Laura El-Khatib)
(1 - 27 von 31

NZZ: Ägypten – Gesichter einer Revolution | NZZ

Dieser Tage jährt sich zum fünften Mal der Beginn der Massenproteste, die am 11. Februar zum Rücktritt des damaligen Präsidenten Mubarak führten. Die...

In the shadow of the pyramids
Laura El-Tantawy is looking for funding to document a new chapter in Egypt’s history, post-Mubarak.

Photographs from Cairo: Amid the Chaos | The New Yorker
Laura El-Tantawy is no stranger to the violence in Egypt. And yet she remains undiscouraged: “It is important for me to rediscover Cairo outside the …

New book by Laura El-Tantawy captures the impact of the Egyptian...
In the Shadow of the Pyramids was self-published last year. Its combination of the personal and the political caught the eye of Time magazine and more recently...