Laura Tams Person-Info 

( Ich bin Laura Tams)


(1 - 4 von 28

Teenager walks free from court over £42m TalkTalk cyber attack but...
A teenage boy who hacked into TalkTalk's website in a £42 million cyber-attack has been given a year-long rehabilitation order and had his iPhone seized.

Teenage TalkTalk hacker also broke into Cambridge University website,...
The 17-year-old broke into two university IT systems, before taking part in a hack of more than 15,000 confidential customer files

Norwich teenager admits hacking offences linked to TalkTalk data...
A 17-year-old boy from Norwich has admitted seven hacking offences linked to the TalkTalk data breach in October

Fresh student centre is true to form | Oxford Mail
Students are enjoying life in a new sixth-form centre after a £3,000 refurbishment.
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