Laurence Stern Person-Info 

( Ich bin Laurence Stern)


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Helen Rumbelow | The Times & The Sunday Times
She spent time as a commissioning editor on the Comment desk, and has also worked at The Washington Post as a Laurence Stern Fellow. She is now a feature ...

Guardian: Stern fellows remember Ben Bradlee: 'Like everyone else, I was in awe...

Each year, the Laurence Stern fellowship welcomes a young British journalist for an internship at the Post. Eight former interns recall Bradlee’s charm,...

The Bookseller - News - Bryan honoured by Washington Post
The Laurence Stern Fellowship, a long-standing programme of the Washington Post, giving young British journalists experience of working in its newsroom each...

Laurence Stern: Neue Übersetzung von "Sentimental Journey"
Laurence Stern gilt als literarischer Großmeister. Jetzt wurde sein unfertig gebliebenes Reisebuch, "Sentimental Journey", neu übersetzt.
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