Lea Waters Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lea Waters)


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Dr Suzy Green's Postlinkedin.com

Thank you Dr Suzy Green for agreeing to assist with Riley's side project & also to Robert Biswas-Diener Lea Waters AM, PhD Clive Leach Christian van ...

Guardian: Lea Waters | The Guardian

Professor Lea Waters is president elect of the International Positive Psychology Association and Gerry Higgins Chair in Positive Psychology at the University of ...

Wellbeing Conference - Lea Waters

Professor Lea Waters (Ph.D) is a researcher, psychologist, consultant, author and public speaker. She works to bring positive psychology to children, teenagers, ...

Guardian: How do you deal with grief – fall apart under its weight, or stay...

Since my sister’s suicide I have gone on – for her son, for my kids, for me. The sadness will stay but I am bigger than my grief
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