League Swiss Person-Info 

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Swiss soccer club to investigate reports fans urinated in rival...

Reto Felder, who then drank from the bottle, says in the Blick daily newspaper he first thought his drink was warmed by the sun

SWINDON SUNDAY LEAGUE: Swiss rolled over in a Walcot ...www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk ›

SWINDON SUNDAY LEAGUE: Swiss rolled over in a Walcot rampage. Matthew Davies @mattdavies25 Sports reporter. Steven Hall, of AFC ...

20 Minuten Online: 20 minutes - Une victoire capitale pour Gottéron - Hockey

... during the preliminary round game of National League Swiss Championship between HC Ambri Piotta and HC Fribourg Gotteron, ...

News - Swiss League: Swiss League: Langenthal gewinnt Spitzenkampf...

Die Referenz-Website für alle Eishockey-Nachrichten. Ergebnisse, Berichte, Interviews, Statistiken, Fact Sheets Club und Spieler, usw. ...
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