Leah Aguayo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Leah Aguayo)


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Girl's suicide after alleged attack troubles town | Honolulu...

And in March, art teacher Leah Aguayo gathered 85 girls for an empowerment workshop, at which teal-colored balloons — Audrie's favorite ...

Los Gatos, Saratoga: Soup, salsa and a famous teacher

When teacher Leah Aguayo wants to reward her students, she brings chips and salsa to class. The chips may be store bought, but the salsa ...

RPT-Evacuees leave Puerto Rico by cruise ship, some doubting they...

Thousands of people lined up at San Juan harbor on Thursday to board a cruise ship that will take them from Puerto Rico to the U.S. mainland in one of the...

globo: Após furacão Maria, cruzeiro retira milhares de pessoas de Porto Rico...

... Pastor, de 34 anos, decidiu na terça-feira comprar um bilhete somente de ida para a Flórida para ela e sua filha de 7 anos, Leah Aguayo.
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Vorname "Leah" (3308)
Name "Aguayo" (139)
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