Leather Boots Person-Info 

( Ich bin Leather Boots)


CNN.com - Fijians in cannibal curse ceremony - Nov. 17, 2003

An elaborate effort to lift a century-old curse on a remote Fijian village has ended with a traditional apology from locals to relatives of an English...

Hungry dog eats owner's leather boots | Daily Mail Online

The four year old dog, a mixed breed called Vince, ate a pair of calf-high women's boots on Friday afternoon, according to his owners, who live in Philadelphia.

Caring for Leather Shoes and Leather Boots | MOTHER EARTH NEWS

Got a new pair of leather shoes or leather boots? To get maximum mileage out of them heed these tips on caring for leather.

Where to get men's leather boots in Munich - Life in Munich - Toytown...

I rarely, if ever, go shopping for clothes or shoes in Munich, but I want a pair of sturdy leather boots for winter. I would buy online, but I've got skinny...
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