Lee Rieth Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lee Rieth)


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Biodegradable plastic that imitates bacteria | EurekAlert!

Members of the Coates group at Cornell involved in the research include Yutan Getzler, Lee Rieth and Vinod Kundnani, all Ph.D. candidates, ...

Inspired by nature, Cornell chemist finds way to makebiodegradable...

NEW ORLEANS -- Finding an economical way to make a polyester commonly found in many types of bacteria into a plastic with uses ranging from packaging to...

Police reports for June The Suffolk News-Herald | The Suffolk...

Amanda Lee Rieth, 38, driving under the influence of alcohol (M). David Eugene Moore, 45, aggravated malicious wounding (F).

Mary Jane Rieth, donor of Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center,...

In 1964, Mary Jane and her husband Lee Rieth co-founded the Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center near Wolf Lake, Ind., in Noble ...
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