Lena Fitting und Schlom Person-Info 

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Europium gibt Silizium den Dreh - chemie.de

Originalveröffentlichung: Andreas Schmehl, Venu Vaithyanathan, Alexander Herrnberger, Stefan Thiel, Christoph Richter, Marco Liberati, Tassilo Heeg, Martin Röckerath, Lena Fitting Kourkoutis, Sebastian Mühlbauer, Peter Böni, David A. Muller, Yuri Barash, Jürgen Schubert, Yves Idzerda, Jochen Mannhart, Darrell G. Schlom; Epitaxial ...

Europium gibt Silizium den Dreh | pro-physik.de

Andreas Schmehl, Venu Vaithyanathan, Alexander Herrnberger, Stefan Thiel, Christoph Richter, Marco Liberati, Tassilo Heeg, Martin Röckerath, Lena Fitting Kourkoutis, Sebastian Mühlbauer, Peter Böni, David A. Muller, Yuri Barash, Jürgen Schubert, Yves Idzerda, Jochen Mannhart & Darrell G. Schlom, Epitaxial integration of the highly spin ...

Putting the Squeeze on an Old Material Could Lead to 'Instant On'...

Low-power, high-efficiency electronic memory could be the long-term result of collaborative research led by Cornell materials scientist Darrell Schlom. The rese