Lennart Eklund Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lennart Eklund)


Boule Diagnostics : wins tenders in Egypt | MarketScreener

Boule Diagnostics AB has won two major public tenders in Egypt for around 200 hematology systems in total. Successive deliveries of the instruments will start...

Closing the Gap?

The magnificent organizer, Lennart Eklund, was beaten for the senior's bronze, but had the biggest round of applause at the prize ceremony. He gracefully gave all credit to his hardworking staff that made this classic tournament with a history of over 15 years(!) a success. For full results, see tournament ...

Copenhagen spring-summer 15 | modemonline.com

Carmakoma SS15 ”UNSPOKEN FICTION”. August > August :00 – 18:00. Sneak peek into the powerful universe of Carmakoma's UNSPOKEN FICTION – SS15 collection. Hotel Kong Artur Suite Nørre Søgade 11. Copenhagen. Press Contact: Lennart Eklund Ahlgren  ...

Riksidrottsgymnasium i simning till Helsingborg och Filbornaskolan |...

Svenska Simförbundet, Riksidrottsförbundet och Skolverket är överens om att Helsingborg och Filbornaskolan är den rätta platsen för det nya...
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