Leon Foucault und Pendulum Person-Info 

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Google Doodle remembers French physicist Léon Foucault

The latest Google Doodle marks the 194th birthday of Jean Bernard Léon Foucault, the French physicist and inventor of a pendulum that demonstrated the rotation...

Leon Foucault: Top 10 facts about the French physicist in today's ...

Physicist Jean Bernard Léon Foucault has been honoured in today's interactive Google Doodle - but who was the man behind the pendulum?

Google doodle honors Foucault and his pendulum - Los Angeles Times

Google doodle honors Foucault and his pendulum

Léon Foucault And His Pendulum Get A Google Doodle

Jean Bernard Léon Foucault, a French physicist from the 19th century, was honored today with an animated Google Doodle on the 194th anniversary of his