Lewis Macdonald Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lewis Macdonald)


(1 - 4 von 33

Lewis 'joins 21st century' as it hosts gay wedding

[Scotsman] - THE first gay wedding on the Isle of Lewis took place yesterday – a day after its first Sabbath ferry set sail for the mainland.

Air Chief Marshal Sir Lewis Hodges: SOE pilot | The Times

Lewis Macdonald Hodges was born in Richmond, Surrey, the son of Arthur Hodges. He was educated at St Paul's School and RAF College, ...

Shoreham crash: Airshow spectator who asked for REFUND after deadly...

A FORMER charity worker has apologised after demanding a refund because the Shoreham Airshow disaster
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Lewis Macdonald
Vorname "Lewis" (1617)
Name "MacDonald" (1013)
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