Lhadon Tethong und Chinese Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lhadon Tethong)
(1 - 17 von 22

Beijing Olympics: Britons arrested for flying pro-Tibet banners

Two Britons have been arrested by Chinese police after they unfurled giant pro-Tibet banners outside the Beijing Olympic Stadium, activists claim.

Beijing Olympics: British Free Tibet protestor arrested

A British Free Tibet protester and four others have been detained by Chinese police after unfurling a banner in front of one Beijing's best known modern...

4 activists detained for anti-Olympics protest on Mount Everest – The...

The fourth person detained by Chinese authorities was filming the protest, said the group's executive director Lhadon Tethong. “One World ...

Olympics Blog

... Americans, a Canadian and a German — "were calling for an end to the Chinese government's occupation in Tibet," said Lhadon Tethong, ...
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Vorname "Lhadon" (1)
Name "Tethong" (2)