Lisa Holzwarth Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lisa Holzwarth)


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A heroic encounter | The Daily Star
A Connecticut photographer has captured a thrilling encounter between a baby baboon and a 350lb lioness in a game park in Botswana. The incredible pictures...

Lioness spares baby baboon after killing his mother - The
— ... took the spectacular shots in November while he and his wife Lisa Holzwarth were on a game drive in northern Botswana's Selinda Camp. › lion...

PHOTOS. Incroyable interaction entre une lionne et un bébé babouin au...
ANIMAUX - Nous savons tous que la nature est un endroit brutal et cruel. Mais même dans le cerveau des plus grands carnivores, il peut se passer des réactions...

Tag: Lisa Holzwarth - Setelah Memangsa Induk Monyet, Hal
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