Lisa Ketelsen und Maezio Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lisa Ketelsen)
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Büfa: Europa-Vertrieb von Covestros …
Lisa Ketelsen und Arne Böttcher (r.) von Covestro beim Abschluss der Vertriebsdeals mit Dirk Punke (2.v.r.), Geschäftsführer der Büfa Thermoplastic Composites, und seinen Mitarbeitern (Foto: Covestro) Thermoplastische UD-Bänder (unidirektional) der Marke „Maezio" von Covestro (Leverkusen) vertreibt Büfa Thermoplastic Composites (Oldenburg) künftig in Europa. Dies sei …

Texdata International - Stepping up the game
“We’re very excited to support Anta in the design and development of its brand-new atheletic shoes by contributing our material expertise in composites,” says Lisa Ketelsen, head of the thermoplastic composites business of Covestro. “We see Maezio® as a material that enables efficient mass production of high-performance parts in a diverse range of applications, …

Covestro and BÜFA Thermoplastic Composites cooperate in the...
Covestro has entered into a distribution agreement with BÜFA Thermoplastic Composites in the distribution of Maezio™ thermoplastic UD tapes from Covestro.

Covestro Expands Offerings And Capabilities In Continuous...
... composites like Maezio™ are making a difference,” says Lisa Ketelsen, head of the thermoplastic composite business of Covestro. “To meet ...