Lisa Maria Singh und Labor Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lisa Maria Singh)
(1 - 25 von 36

Guardian: Labor senator Lisa Singh re-elected after grassroots campaign...

Singh keeps upper house seat after strong below-the-line vote, giving Labor five Senate seats in Tasmania, Liberals four, Greens two and Jacqui Lambie one

Assange's WikiLeaks Party has three Indian-origin men; two to contest...
An exception is Lisa Maria Singh, a Labor senator in the province of Tasmania, whose father is Indian Fijian. “The Indian community is hard ...

Outgoing Tasmanian senator Lisa Singh fires some parting › lisa-singh-fires-parting-shots-at-labor
"I'm sad to say goodbye, but I cherish the time I've had as being the Tasmanian people's senator over the past eight years," she said in an ...