Liu Xiaobo und Chinese Person-Info 

( Ich bin Liu Xiaobo)
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Google News: Celebrity support for Chinese Nobel dissident

[The] - A German literature festival organised a global reading on Tuesday in honour of imprisoned Chinese Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo, supported by luminaries including Salman Rushdie and Doris Lessing. Organisers of Berlin's International Literature Festival

Global reading to be staged for Chinese laureate
[Expatica Germany] - A German literature festival has organised a global reading Tuesday in honour of imprisoned Chinese Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo, supported by luminaries including Salman Rushdie and JM Coetzee. Organisers of Berlin's International Literature Festival

AUSSENTEMPERATUR - Die Chinesen kommen
[Märkische Allgemeine] - Die Großzügigkeit zahlt sich aus: Als der Dissident Liu Xiaobo den Friedensnobelpreis bekam, blieb Serbien auf einen Wink aus Pe- king der Zeremonie fern. Aber die Investitionen zahlen sich vor allem wirtschaftlich aus.