Lou Pearlman und Prison Person-Info 

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Former boy band manager Lou Pearlman dies in prison, report says

A man who was producer and manager of the Backstreet Boys and NSYNC has died, Billboard is reporting....

Lou Pearlman, Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC manager, dies at CNN

(CNN) Lou Pearlman, the disgraced star-maker behind 1990s boy bands *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys, has died in prison, according to the ...

Lou Pearlman, Backstreet Boys and ‘N Sync creator, dies in prison -...

The 62-year-old boy-band mastermind was serving time for a massive Ponzi scheme.

Lou Pearlman, disgraced founder of 'NSync and Backstreet Boys, dies...

Lou Pearlman, who launched Backstreet Boys and 'NSync, died in prison while serving 25-year sentence for a Ponzi scheme, federal inmate database shows.